Standard versions on 150mm versions and above now have three speed motors.
Spigot size: 125mm
Airflow: 360m3/hr
Power Absorbed: 27W
Sound level: 23db radiated @ 3M.
The S&P TD SILENT Series Inline Mixed Flow Ultra Quiet Duct Fan
The S&P TD Silent inline fan range are Mixed-flow fans with sound-absorbent insulation. Sound waves produced inside the TD, are directed through the perforated inner skin and absorbed by the layer of sound-absorbent material.
Similar to the already very quiet TD range from S&P but with added sound insulation.
The low profile of the TD-SILENT inline fans makes them the most effective solution for installations where the space of installation is limited such as false ceilings.
You will not believe the sound ratings on the larger fans of this range, they are quite unparalleled by any other fans of that type and size.
Sound levels have been reduced in the inlet and outlet ducts as well as massive reductions in radiated sound levels making the TD-SILENT up to 12dB(A) quieter than major competitors.
As a 'mix-vent' fan these develop less pressure than our acoustic centrifugal box fans, but for use with duct runs shorter than 10 meters or so are perfectly adequate. We anticipate these fans becoming the standard for domestic acoustic in-line extraction systems.
Fitted with rubber gaskets on the inlet and outlet to absorb vibrations, a body that can be dismantled.
Connection box can be rotated 360º, to facilitate easy connection of the power cable.
The Envirovent SILMV is exactly the same product, made in the same factory. Depending on stock we may ship the Envirovent version, which has an extended 5yr warranty.
HERE for link to promo movie.
Speed controllable 230 V 50 Hz motor on the standard 2 speed motor version.
Motors are IP44, class B, with ball bearings and safety thermal overload protection.

(Excluding E-Bay)